Sunday, September 30, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 12:05 PM
Seasonal Love 

Season change and people grow, grow apart, grow and mature or grow in love.
November changed my life forever, for it brought you into my life.

I grew to love you; you made me who I am today. I owe you my life, my success and all the joys of my life.
It was autumn that brought us together, oh sweet November. In the harshest and coldest night you burned my heart with the intensity of a thousand suns.

You have awakened a sleeping heart and brought it back to life; with every breath you take my hearts beats. One cannot live without the other. The day you’d stop breathing is the day my heart stops beating.

Then as we found each other on this earth, I am certain will find each others in the afterlife. If we were to be reincarnated our souls will yearn one for the other and no matter what great distances separate them they will unite together, embrace in the sweet dance of life and rekindle the fire of love.

Our souls imprinted on each other, you’re as part of me as my heart, my eyes and all my being.
Winter brought death, sorrow and loneliness. We grew apart, what was mine was ripped away from me. My heart only knew sorrow and sadness.  The hours passed as eons, the days passed as centuries but deep down I knew if you love someone you must set them free if they come back then they love you to.

I had faith in you, in us. Only when you let go you will realize how much you meant to me, how much I loved you. My eyes knew only tears, sleepless nights I spend dreaming of you and looking for that special moment when our eyes will connect, when I’ll feel your touch.

Oh how I wished you were here, to fall asleep in my arms, to keep me company in the lonesome nights.
Spring came and nature was reborn, flowers bloomed and so did our love. It bloomed strongly, the sweet scent embraced us, I felt safe, I felt right, and I felt happy…. I felt complete again. Finally, two people at the right time at the right place.

Finally summer is here, the new beginning that engaged us in a new path of life. One that will unite us till the end of time.

We had our shares of difficulties, sadness, but our love was strong and kept us bound.  I’m sorry if I ever hurt you, how can one hurt himself? But it happened.  I’m glad it happened; now I have an excuse to try and make it up to you for the rest of my life.

Every written word you read is just another tear I poured in your bleeding heart and the vast ocean that is our love. 

In the end all I can say, maybe every love song has been sang, every poem has been dedicated to a beloved and all words have been said. I guess it is true except they haven’t said your name, for you have inspired me and I’m certain you could inspire infinite love songs, just by being the caring person that you are. 


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