Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 11:46 PM

Maybe baby

            This blog post will be as the title suggests it about babies, but more accurately concerning a sensitive subject when it comes to birth that is to say abortion.

            Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy.

            The debate for me starts here: how can we define viability? A few days old fetus isn’t viable?
Accurately viability would mean alive, therefore the moment the sperm penetrates the ovule there is life, it’s the fundamental of the procreation act. 

            The only two cases where an abortion is acceptable are when the mother’s health is in danger, then of course the pregnancy has to be terminated and the naturally occurring miscarriages. 

        Otherwise, using protection can end the problem from the first place, don’t be naive and say afterwards: oh! It wasn’t planned so let’s get rid of it. You may not want it, but assume your responsibility because many childish parents are thriving to take the so called burden off your hands. 

     Nowadays, laws try to make this act legal because it’s a choice, great but whose choice are we talking about? 

The father?  He has his rights even if it’s the mother that is caring the baby, after all he did help create this new life; therefore his decision counts.

The mother? It is her body that is undergoing these changes but she is the vessel that is supposed to protect and nurture the baby.

The baby? Yes it is certainly his/her decision; after all they’re the ones dying. Sadly since they cannot speak we tend to neglect their voice. 

           I’m going to spare the religious point of view on this matter. All I ask is for you to imagine just for one second that you were aborted and never had the chance to live; some might laugh and consider it a blessing whereas other will truly feel that their impact in life was taken for granted.

         Finally, we have no idea whose life we are terminating: the next Mozart, the future Einstein…the possibilities are endless. Yes some might argue that: what if we have aborted the tyrants? There would have been no world war and no genocides.
That is my point exactly we really have no idea who the baby is and will be. Both the good and the bad can prevail.


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