Monday, July 16, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 11:41 PM

Money: the root of all evil

            “Money makes the world go round”, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend” and so many more quotes… We’ve heard them over and over, but is money really the root of all evil?

            We as a society gave money its power and influence; otherwise it would have been a worthless piece of paper. What’s the difference between a Monopoly bill and a real bill? Both are papers, but one has become the center of the universe while the other remains a pretend game.

            From need and necessity corruption is born, when you find yourself in a situation where you are tempted to compromise your conscience it’s usually because of money. Most crimes are driven by the desire to acquire money, and what’s worse is when money makes you kill somebody.

            I find it sad that people think that money can buy happiness or that if you own a lot of money you can buy people off. It may work with the weak and people with no dignity but for those who are proud and have a self esteem it will never work. 

     When you're rich it won't be an easy task finding who your real friends are and those who are materialistic and in pursuit of your assets. It may open new doors but it might as well open trap doors.

          I you have a 1000$ you’ll find a way to spend it, and if you have one million dollars you will also easily find a way to spend it. When your income increases, your needs will increase but eventually become stable. We’re all greedy as human beings, we always want more and the more you get the more you need.

          Don’t let money become an obsession because it will eat you up. Always yearning for more, keep in mind it’s just a commodity to acquire your basic needs. We have seen so money TV and movie starts committing suicide, did money truly buy happiness?

       We have seen the virtue being corrupted blindly by money from politicians to religious man driven to the edge of insanity. So be careful what you wish for, because in one way or the other it will turn around and hurt you in some way. 

       Finally, only few self made millionaires will understand the value of hard work and money for they had to make an effort to gain it not just inherited it. Think for one second of the poor and in need and you’ll see how rich you are.
Rich to have your health, family, friends, loved one, education, career and so much more.


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