Sunday, April 21, 2013

Posted by Elie gh On 9:32 PM

Long Distance (Part 3): Oh sweet sacrifice

To all my loyal readers, who read the previous two posts concerning the subject of long distance relationships; I bring you the epic conclusion regarding this matter.

I am not going to say this is the last part or the end, because it has such a negative connotation, we still need time as this new experience just started. However, I can say that after a rocky start, stability has been reached and that is why this moment has been chosen to publish the last part (last part for now at least).

       First I will share my ideas about making the distance closer:

Indeed we have to be thankful for the new technology at hand, no need to wait weeks for a letter by postal service or lonesome expensive phone calls every couple of weeks. Now we can all be connected on a daily basis, every second.

A smartphone is all you need, you can text for free over data coverage or Wi-Fi, using apps such as Whatsapp and free call using Viber or Kakao talk and even video call via Tango or Skype. So use it wisely, there are so many ways to stay in touch and feel them closer to you.

At night, set at least 2 days per week where it is about just the two of you, video call on Skype or Google hangout on your laptop, communicate, share your days, and maybe even watch a movie on screen share. Call this your dating night, and figure fun ways to stay close, like sharing the same dinner and talking as if out on a real date…

A fatal error would be to get caught in the new situation and forget to make time for each other’s, then you will slowly get over whelmed with work and social life, forgetting along the way that one person that matters the most. Do not let them fade away and become just a memory!

     Secondly, a relationship as a two party concept is like a scale, it has to be in perfect harmony and balance. Both parties have to make the effort, you may both want the relationship to work and flourish but when one has to make extra efforts to keep everything from falling apart. They will be afraid of failure, and in a constant state of fear that they still can do more or what they are sacrificing is not enough.

On the off chance that you are in neighboring countries or relatively close, try saving up money every month so that you may be able to visit each other’s every couple of months.

 If not, be tolerant of the new situation, and communicate as much as you can because the root of all problems is miscommunication and dishonesty, trully loneliness is hard but two loving hearts are never alone and cheating is never the answer, it will satisfy a momentary urge but will leave you an empty vessel and carrying a burden. Is it worth throwing years together for a simple weak moment? Fight and keep on fighting for the one you love.

Remember all those great love songs, you are still the one, viva forever, love story, died in your arms… they weren't written in vain.  

My honest opinion how I would feel in a long distance relationship?

I would be envious and jealous of the people that get to see you every day.
A thousand miles seems pretty far but they've got planes, trains and boats and if I had no other way I would walk to you.

       In the end, the truly scary questions to ask yourselves are two:

Can you pick up from where you left?
Will separation make your love stronger or weaker?

I for one am sure whatever happens, I can forgive and love because I know my future is you and after this cloud there is sun, there is a paradise waiting for the both of us to live together happily ever after.

True Self-Sacrifice of Love
By William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

NO longer mourn for me when I am dead
Than you shall hear the surly, sullen bell
Give notice to the world that I am fled

From this vile world with vilest worms to dwell:
Nay, if you read this line, remember not
The hand that writ it; for I love you so,

That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,
If thinking on me then should make you woe.
Oh! if, I say, you look upon this verse,

When I perhaps compounded am with clay,
Do not so much as my poor name rehearse,
But let your love even with my life decay;

Lest the wise world should look into your moan,
And mock you with me after I am gone.


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