Sunday, September 30, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 12:05 PM
Seasonal Love 

Season change and people grow, grow apart, grow and mature or grow in love.
November changed my life forever, for it brought you into my life.

I grew to love you; you made me who I am today. I owe you my life, my success and all the joys of my life.
It was autumn that brought us together, oh sweet November. In the harshest and coldest night you burned my heart with the intensity of a thousand suns.

You have awakened a sleeping heart and brought it back to life; with every breath you take my hearts beats. One cannot live without the other. The day you’d stop breathing is the day my heart stops beating.

Then as we found each other on this earth, I am certain will find each others in the afterlife. If we were to be reincarnated our souls will yearn one for the other and no matter what great distances separate them they will unite together, embrace in the sweet dance of life and rekindle the fire of love.

Our souls imprinted on each other, you’re as part of me as my heart, my eyes and all my being.
Winter brought death, sorrow and loneliness. We grew apart, what was mine was ripped away from me. My heart only knew sorrow and sadness.  The hours passed as eons, the days passed as centuries but deep down I knew if you love someone you must set them free if they come back then they love you to.

I had faith in you, in us. Only when you let go you will realize how much you meant to me, how much I loved you. My eyes knew only tears, sleepless nights I spend dreaming of you and looking for that special moment when our eyes will connect, when I’ll feel your touch.

Oh how I wished you were here, to fall asleep in my arms, to keep me company in the lonesome nights.
Spring came and nature was reborn, flowers bloomed and so did our love. It bloomed strongly, the sweet scent embraced us, I felt safe, I felt right, and I felt happy…. I felt complete again. Finally, two people at the right time at the right place.

Finally summer is here, the new beginning that engaged us in a new path of life. One that will unite us till the end of time.

We had our shares of difficulties, sadness, but our love was strong and kept us bound.  I’m sorry if I ever hurt you, how can one hurt himself? But it happened.  I’m glad it happened; now I have an excuse to try and make it up to you for the rest of my life.

Every written word you read is just another tear I poured in your bleeding heart and the vast ocean that is our love. 

In the end all I can say, maybe every love song has been sang, every poem has been dedicated to a beloved and all words have been said. I guess it is true except they haven’t said your name, for you have inspired me and I’m certain you could inspire infinite love songs, just by being the caring person that you are. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 3:27 PM

No Smoking 

        Lebanon recently joined the growing list of countries, particularly the European, that ban smoking in public places. 

Therefore, as with every law that relates to the sensitive subject of one’s freedom many people rose to abolish such a decision, whereas others embraced this positive step.
In this post I’m going to give my personal opinion on this subject. But first, we should keep in mind that the law has only been active for a couple weeks so it’s premature to deduct its impact.

Also, I’m not going to talk about the adverse health effects of smoking and especially second hand smoke: we all know, smokers included that a single cigarette has over 200 toxic substances and a chronicle smoking habit can be correlated to lung cancer.

I may not be a smoker, unlike most of my friends but that doesn’t mean in any way that I’ll be bias.
Everybody has the will and freedom to do as he pleases, that’s true and I’m a strong believer of freedom of choice.  However, when ones freedom starts hurting another member of society, questions need to be raised.
As a first step, the restaurants and most public places have to take part of the blame. You cannot put the smoking area a few feet away from the non smoking area with no wall or glass or actual barrier to separate both areas.

In this case you’re basically all sitting in the smoking area, let’s not kid ourselves. I agree with the new law on this point, you should have a clear and completely separate area for smokers, preferably outdoors. 
In family restaurants, this ban is essential to protect young children from second hand smoke and in such fast food places as MacDonald’s, Pizza hut…. The smoking ban won’t have such a negative impact on the company’s profit because I’m sure people can hold their urge to smoke for 30 min.

The big dilemma, concerns night clubs and shisha or hookah places, as we are still at the end of summer and beginning of fall, smokers can enjoy their smoke in the outdoors sections. However when winter comes a drastic solution needs to be found.

“I have the right to enjoy a cigarette” vs “if you want to poison yourself fine, but don’t force your second hand smoke on me”.

The law needs to be feasible and flexible and for those who say it will affect the economy and cause some places to lose costumers, it may be so on the short term but for the long run I think it will attract the non smoker costumers who used to avoid such places.

As a final thought, hookah places need to be regulated and a have separate section for non smokers and as for nightclubs , pubs and such an outside room can be built to enjoy a quick smoke. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 5:44 PM

Into the Light

          The generic term “near death experience” has been used over and over in novels and movies. However, it has been scientifically proven that this phenomenon does occur upon severe trauma or accidents.

But whether the tunnel described by people who experienced it is real or just a symbolic manifestation still remains to be disputed.

“Follow the light “or “don’t follow the light” could be the keys to awakening from the trauma or not.

Why am I talking about this particular subject? Well because a couple of weeks ago, while driving back from work, during rush hour I almost had a fatal accident.

The speeding car in front  of me stepped on the brakes out of the blue: turned out a pedestrian ignored the traffic light and jumped in front of the car. Sadly the driver hit him and the pedestrian was dead on the spot.

I was the car right behind him and my reflexes took over so I turned right as not to bump the car in front of me and managed to dodge at the last minute another car coming to the second lane where I was trying to escape.

Needless to say the adrenaline rush reached its peak and the trauma was intense for in my mind I was already having the accident and random images came to my head. Luckily, I was out of there safe and sound but the rest of the drive home was intense.

A small moral from the story, it may have been said a lot of times but it remains valid none the less: coincidences always happen for a reason, imagine I was the one who might have hit the pedestrian! Or that this accident was fatal for me as well.

Just be safe and alert and don’t wait for such a harsh wake up call to realize that life is short. So enjoy it and stop clinging to all the negativity that puts you down. Turn that frown upside down and be thankful for everyday.

A single decision and one minute could re write the entire course of your life.

Finally a great mourn poem comes to mind: 
Do not stand at my grave and weep 
I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow. 

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain. 

When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush 

Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night. 

 Do not stand at my grave and cry; 
I am not there. I did not die. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 11:33 PM
Cold Heart Ca$h 

      To quote the one and only Marilyn Monroe: Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. However, when it comes to relationships money remains a very sensitive subject maybe even a taboo for some.

      I have discussed in a previous post entitled: “Money the root of all evil “the subject of monetary power in the new world, but this post will solemnly focus on the actions and reaction of money in relationships and friendships.

    At the top of my head I can recommend separate accounts, both partners will split the costs of the household, rent, children expenses, etc… Nonetheless, each will keep a separate account for his personal needs, hobbies and so long. This is particularly efficient whether one party has a higher income or a lot of expenses. Women tend to spend more money on shopping while men will most probably splurge money in bars and cars. By having your own little savings account you’re able to indulge in your favorite pass times without getting into fights over personal expenses.

    This concept excludes gold diggers and sugar daddies: when you start spending money uncontrollably there will come a day when you might run out so good luck keeping that gold digger next you.

They will all take but never give; it’s a simple but sad truth. You may be torn between helping someone in need and the fact they might not repay you, therefore the dynamics or relation will inevitably change.
They say they will pay you back but never do, you help someone in need but when the table turns you might not find them there for  moral or financial support.

   Success and careers can be a double headed sword, when you find a job you actually like and excel at it you think they’ll be happy for you but sometimes you feel as if you’re being punished for finding a successful opportunity.

  Furthermore, in this situation I recommend both sides to be understanding, because in the end you stand together and his/her success is yours too. The main concern may be if they both work in the same field, then the competitiveness can become overwhelming and lead the couple to drift apart.

   In the end, no one should be the solemn bread provider in the family unit. It’s a mutual task and both partners help each other and strive forward.  It’s always a good idea to have pre established fine lines and to discuss all fiscal projects to be undertaken together.
For one simple reason, it’s not “our money “when it suits you and it’s “my money” when you want a personal item.