Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 2:06 PM

Lessons Learned

            Each day is a new beginning, a new chance to redo what you might have regretted, to tell someone sorry or I love you. What was done, with the past is gone after all we are living in the present and the future is ours to write and re write.

            I’m going to share some insights I had these couple of months for I believe you should live it and experience it before even thinking about writing it. Those who preach about theories and had never truly lived the emotions or situations are just lecturing empty words.

·                   As the picture above clearly states it, sometimes you have to let go: I had to set someone I love free because when you truly love a person you think of their happiness before yours. I set them free, now they came back and we are stronger than ever.

·                When you hit rock bottom, the only way is up: it’s so true after all when you are so down you can only go up. We all have some dark moments when everything and everyone seems to be against us, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. It’s a chance to realize that you are special, you are worth so much more and you can rise to the challenge and come out victorious.

·               Never accept to be second to someone, when you can be first to someone else: We have all been taken for granted and we might have tried to stay in the relationship or work or… just because we were afraid to take that next step and move on: the fear of the unknown. However, when you are alone it doesn’t mean you are lonely.

·               You can`t make the same mistake twice, the second time you make it, it`s no longer a mistake, it`s a choice: we should give second chances, but trust your instincts when you fell unease about something, don’t ignore that feeling for it’s a clue to keep you alert. Be careful not to make the same mistake twice, therefore be sure it’s worth it and try to get it right the second time around.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 3:58 PM

The Gorgon sisters: SOPA, PIPA and LIRA

            I may not be a geek or know much about technology, but even I had to admit that since a couple of months the web has been hit by a storm called SOPA and PIPA and I had to get involved in order to know what it’s truly about. 

            Also, newly emerged is LIRA: the Lebanese version of SOPA and since this one truly hits close to home I had to speak up. Therefore, before I start I need to explain why I have decided to call them the Gorgon sisters. 

            SOPA (the "Stop Online Piracy Act") and PIPA (the "PROTECT IP Act") are bills in the U.S.  These bills are presented as efforts to stop copyright infringement committed by foreign web sites. It’s perfectly understandable, but they do so in a way that would disrupt free expression and harm the Internet.

            In Greek mythology, the Gorgon was a terrifying female creature. The name derives from the Greek word gorgós, which means "dreadful." While descriptions of Gorgons vary across Greek literature, the term commonly refers to any of three sisters who had hair of living, venomous snakes, and a horrifying visage that turned those who beheld it to stone. Traditionally, while two of the Gorgons were immortal, Stheno and Euryale, their sister Medusa was not, and was slain by the mythical demigod and hero Perseus.

            This deadly trio leaves you speechless and breathless that is why I chose this comparison, if you remember Wikipedia blacked out its page when the voting for these bills took place. I cannot imagine a world without free knowledge, where ones freedom is bound. The internet is supposed to be as free as the wind.
            How does this affects us? Well me as a blogger, I cannot put an image or logo or anything that may be copyrighted or my blog will be shut down.

            Say goodbye to Facebook and Twitter or if they do stay everything will be controlled , thousands of Youtube videos will be removed, no more torrents, movies online, music… in short, no more internet as we know it.

            What can we do? The US citizens have the most influence in this case since they can call their state senators and not allow the bill to pass to the House of Representatives. Even us, we can help because after all it’s an international crises by staying informed and informing everybody you know.  

You may also sign petitions online such as this one:

            Finally, why we have such oppression: by keeping the people in the dark and not being able to communicate freely, governments can control all media and what gets out to the public. I remember a great movie: V for Vendetta that sums these actions. Stay tuned for The anonymous who are operating hard against the bills, they have threatened to hack and disrupt the internet if these bills become active laws. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 11:46 PM

Maybe baby

            This blog post will be as the title suggests it about babies, but more accurately concerning a sensitive subject when it comes to birth that is to say abortion.

            Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be purposely induced. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy.

            The debate for me starts here: how can we define viability? A few days old fetus isn’t viable?
Accurately viability would mean alive, therefore the moment the sperm penetrates the ovule there is life, it’s the fundamental of the procreation act. 

            The only two cases where an abortion is acceptable are when the mother’s health is in danger, then of course the pregnancy has to be terminated and the naturally occurring miscarriages. 

        Otherwise, using protection can end the problem from the first place, don’t be naive and say afterwards: oh! It wasn’t planned so let’s get rid of it. You may not want it, but assume your responsibility because many childish parents are thriving to take the so called burden off your hands. 

     Nowadays, laws try to make this act legal because it’s a choice, great but whose choice are we talking about? 

The father?  He has his rights even if it’s the mother that is caring the baby, after all he did help create this new life; therefore his decision counts.

The mother? It is her body that is undergoing these changes but she is the vessel that is supposed to protect and nurture the baby.

The baby? Yes it is certainly his/her decision; after all they’re the ones dying. Sadly since they cannot speak we tend to neglect their voice. 

           I’m going to spare the religious point of view on this matter. All I ask is for you to imagine just for one second that you were aborted and never had the chance to live; some might laugh and consider it a blessing whereas other will truly feel that their impact in life was taken for granted.

         Finally, we have no idea whose life we are terminating: the next Mozart, the future Einstein…the possibilities are endless. Yes some might argue that: what if we have aborted the tyrants? There would have been no world war and no genocides.
That is my point exactly we really have no idea who the baby is and will be. Both the good and the bad can prevail.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 12:28 AM

Welfare Wheat Race

            This upcoming 29th of April, I’ll be running the 5K race in Broumana Lebanon to help the needy and the disabled.

            Often people say: I want to get involved, I want to do help others, but we get so busy or distracted that we lose focus on the main cause.

            Well not this time, there are no excuses; I’ve set my mind. For all my Lebanese readers, you can still participate, as for my readers from abroad you can still like the page on Facebook: 

    And maybe my post will motivate you to search for local charity events in your own country, we may not realize it but sometimes something so simple can have such a huge impact. 

Please take a minute and check the description, and thank you.  

Welfare Wheat Race - Broumana & Metn A Space for Sports, Music and Welfare
Mission (description)


            Al Amal Institute for the Disabled is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that supports the cause of people with special needs. Our residential center for the mentally disabled is located in Broumana - Metn, but our programs aim to improve the integration and autonomy of these people with special needs on a nationwide level.

            As our programs work on integration and welfare, we try to involve the community with our cause and as well host activities that promote sports and culture.

            Welfare Wheat Race is a yearly race organized by Al Amal NGO for the Disabled and the Needy. The funds raised in this race go to the Sweater & Wheat program, which gives persons with special needs the role of contributing in the support of the other needy.

            The race is set to take place on the 29th of April, 2012. It will start from the Broummana Municipality Playground at 8 AM sharp and the participants will be first briefed for details and information at 7:30 AM.

The different races are as follows:

School Races - Males:
1000 Meters (Born in 2000-01)
1500 Meters (Born in 98-99)
2000 Meters (Born in 97-96)
3000 Meters (Born in 95-94)

School Races - Females:
800 Meters (Born in 2000-01)
1200 Meters (Born in 98-99)
1500 Meters (Born in 97-96)
2000 Meters (Born in 95-94)

5K Race: Open to professionals of 19 years of age and above.

1K Welfare March & Parade: Open to all public with no restrictions.

Registration Information:
You can register by e-mail or by telephone. Please send us via any of these both mediums the following information: name, gender, date of birth, nationality, club or name of group leader (if applicable) and a clear photocopy or scan of your ID.
Registration opens on Thursday 15th of March 2012 and the deadline for registration is on the 14th of April 2012.

Registration fees are as follows:

Race registration:
LBP 5,000 LBP for participants up till the age of 18 years.
LBP 20,000 LBP for participants of 19 years of age and above.

Welfare March & Parade registration:
LBP 20,000 LBP donation fee to help support the NGO and its activities.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 6:36 PM

Dead Man walking

Should we still apply the death penalty? Isn’t it time to abolish this act?

            Many countries have eliminated the death penalty; after all we are not in the Dark Ages anymore. While other countries still hold strong and believe in this “punishment” even for minor crimes.

            I am going to spare the religious point of view on this matter: We as human have a duel nature, that is to say a soul and a flesh body and no one has the right to take a human being’s life. 

            I am more interested in the anthropological and social approach to the subject because after all on this earth no person has total guiltiness and as much as the juridical system is prudent, errors will eventually take place.

            However, when gambling with someone’s existence you’d better be 100% sure for a single shadow of doubt and you’ll be sending an innocent to his death. In this case there is no turning back and it’s too late for second chances.

            My main concern is: as emotionless and vigilant that justice tries to present itself, the jury and the judge remain human therefore vulnerable and impressionable, no one among us is infallible we are all error prone. 

            A more efficient alternative to the death penalty could be a lifetime sentence; this way the criminal will have enough time to reflect upon his actions and could repent. His experience may prevent other novice delinquents from following his footsteps thus reducing the crime rates on the long run. 

            Another benefit of imprisonment is on the unlikely event that the sentenced is freed from his charges, a second chance can be offered because clearing a dead person’s name is useless: the damage has already been made.

            In the end, I can comprehend that citizens may demand that a rapist, serial killer, murderer… be put to death as a punishment. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but personally I cannot take it upon myself and my conscience to be responsible for someone’s death. 

            Death is a quick and easy way out for the criminal while a lifetime of imprisonment is much harsh. Don’t know if this makes me soft and bound to my feelings, all I’m sure of is that “what if” question can be so unbarring.