Friday, January 13, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 12:02 AM

Women are from Venus, but guys have a penis
            There are two possible and utterly different ways that I could use to approach this article. The first being a serious and scientific analysis of the differences between men and women, or the second being the realistic method. 

          Being a person who believes in gender equality, this article is supposed to be humorous and not serious so heads up for all extreme feminists and male chauvinist pigs. Therefore, before starting the core subject of divergence and battle of the sexes that is to say dating and relationships, here are some points of variance between men and women.
  • Men forget almost every birthday, event or appointment while women have a built in calendar that rarely misses an important date.
  • If you told that an acquaintance or friend has bought a new car, a woman would probably say "oh, what color is it?” whereas a man would say "what kind is it?"
  • Women have a unique ability to remember every piece of clothing that they have ever worn with accurate details such as the place, the time and the person they wore it with. Men can't remember what they wore yesterday.
  • Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember.
  • For every pair of shoes a man owns, a woman owns 10. It seems that for women there is no such thing as too many purses or shoes.
  • To avoid unleashing a furry, a woman is always pretty particularly when she is pregnant.
  • The trap question: I’m thinking of going on a diet, is usually a test. Because when a woman actually tells it to a man, she expects the answer: no, honey you’re beautiful just as you are. When a woman wants to go loose weight, she will do it quietly and not make a statement about it.
On a more serious note, the most flagrant difference in point of views between the sexes occurs when it comes to relationship and dating. Therefore, both men and women often complain about mixed signals and misunderstandings, this may eventually lead to breaking up.

The main reason for such a gap is not merely the lack of communication, but rather the miscommunication due to the distinction on the emotional level. Men tend to rationalize most aspects of life while women are more emotional and can easily express their feelings. This leads men to over analyze everything and women to go with their intuition. 

No method is the correct one, because we need both approaches: the heart and brain need to coordinate at all times. That being said, all couples need to communicate frankly with each others. Also, for the early stages of a relationship such as dating and getting to know each other, honesty is the best policy.
A relation build on good communication and honesty will last longer than one build on intimidation and lies.
Finally some hilarious tips and pre conceptions about men and women in relationships:
  • A woman can look at an attractive man all day without their boyfriend noticing, while a man will see a sexy woman and stare until he is slapped by his girlfriend.
  • Women are able of using sex as a mean of getting what they want. Men can never use sex as a way of getting what they want, because sex is all they ever want.
  • If you are double dating and go to restaurant, when one woman excuses herself to leave for the washing room the second woman will instinctively excuse herself also to accompany her. Whereas a man will wait at the table while the other passes to the washing room. 
  • At the early stages of a relation, a man needs to know three words “I love you” but then the three words he needs to master become: “you are right”
We all know dating can be awkward but you need to put yourself out there on the scene, for the reason that when a relation ends, the next could lead you to your soul mate. So enjoy meeting new people and try to make the most of it. And good luck!