Friday, May 18, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 1:03 PM

Open diary

            I’ve been noticing lately that Twitter has become the new web version of a diary; many tweets have caught my attention because for me they shouldn’t have been even tweeted. 

            A few years ago, (I feel like an old dinosaur just saying it) a diary was a secret record of your deepest most intimate thoughts, desires and fears…

A few examples of such tweets: 

  •        I F*** hate my mum, can’t wait for my parents’ divorce.
  •      I feel unloved, if I commit suicide will anybody notices?
  •   I love X but he/she doesn’t love me back I feel ugly.
            These are just a sample of many tweets and even Facebook statuses that reflect a real problem of self esteem and lack of communication between parents and their children. Before we used to go to our best friend for advice, he or she was our confidant that helped us through our darkest times.

            Nowadays, we seek guidance from total strangers who know relatively nothing about our lives and who we really are. It’s sad because some cyber bullies can really take advantage of this situation and aggravate it. Some things are better left unsaid, especially on the web for two reasons: once it’s said you can’t really take it back and it will be available for the public and not all people are friendly and will sympathize with you.

             Finally, dare to speak up and tell your best friends or parents, no matter what the outcome is ; at least damage control is easier and on a small scale. Also, since it’s not fair to judge or quote other people on this subject and not do the same thing, I’m going to share  small and random entries from my own personal diary (needless to say it’s private and hand written, you won’t find it anywhere on the web).

“Love was when I first saw you, now I have surpassed love by so many levels, no word can describe what I feel, actually no word exists yet therefore, I’m giving your name a new definition one that surpasses love”

“Should I live the moment or contemplate about the future? I need to make peace with myself, because I feel that at each stage of my life I have sacrificed a part of me for someone or something”


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