Monday, January 23, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 3:11 AM
        Everyday is a new lesson we learn in life, we accumulate experiences  and grow as a person. If we didn't experience a certain situation, we can be sure that another person had passed by this situation or at least thought about it. In this post, you can find my favorite quotes and sayings, each represent a different phase of my life.
I've found them to be so genuine, and accurate therefore I hope they would light up your mind and shed some insight. 

·         How soon 'not now' becomes 'never'.
      We always say I wanna do this or that, I have so many ideas and project. However, we procrastinate and eventually we achieve barely anything.  We need the will power to commit and patience to continue what we have started. Today is the answer not tomorrow. 
      Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
      It's simple : dare to dream, your dreams have no limit. Live everyday to the fullest, enjoy it and don't let it go to waste. The years will pass by quickly and you will remain only with regrets and broken dreams.
·         Happiness isn’t the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them.
     Struggling with problems is somewhat our daily bread, but even from the harshest problems we can find hope.If everyday we are happy then happiness will become a vain emotion and not what keeps us motivated in our perpetual quest. Sadness is needed to make us appreciate what we have and be grateful when we find happiness. 

      There are no failures - just experiences and your reactions to them.
      Few people can be successful in every project they undertake in life. However, these people won't really understand the true meaning of success, because they haven't experienced a failure. They will eventually stop pushing their selves to do better. While just one failure, is enough to test our strength, and the ability to overcome come this failure will require all our stamina an optimism. This will be an unforgettable experience, and from failure will come success. The phoenix rising from his ashes.

      Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
     I believe that friendship knows no age, sex, religion... A best friend is a rare gem, someone who is here for you even when you don't need him/her. They will instinctively feel that you need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to hear you and a heart to love you. As the season change, as we grow, the name we hear that makes us warm inside and puts a smile on our face is our best friend. A true friend is a face we never forget, (we'd look at each other and say those were the days my friend, we'd wish they'd never end.: Mary Hopkins song


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