Thursday, February 2, 2012

Posted by Elie gh On 3:48 AM

This post is a special request from my best friend; he recently underwent a hard breakup after a 3 years relationship. Harsh right? 

              When you get used to someone for that long a co dependence is inevitable, therefore when you go cold turkey at once you feel lost as if a limb has been cut off. I don’t believe there is only one soul mate, I mean let’s be realistic there are roughly 7 billion human on earth so the odds are against us. From purely a statistical point of view the chances of meeting your soul mate are right next to zero.

              However, I do consider that throughout your life time you will encounter suitable “soul mates”, they are rare,  so far for me I have met only 2, they’re the ones that when reflecting upon the past you say they were the ones that got away. 

             Not every relationship is tied to your soul mate; some relations are purely established upon physical attraction, common interests or materialistic needs… So when you do find the one you fuse together in order to become one body, the Supreme Being.

             As Plato described love: when we mortals first came to earth we were one body, combining both female and male parts. Therefore the gods were terrified of such a creature; it possessed immense strength and stamina. Zeus stroked the creature with a lightning bolt and cut it in half, thus man and woman became separate beings. Afterwards, they started this endless quest to reconnect in order to reform the Supreme Being.
             From the “let’s keep it “perspective, often both parties of the relation have done something wrong, because if it’s one sided then you are in an abusive relationship, so get the heck out. So in this case, when one decided that a break is needed, the other took it quite hard.

              From my perspective, this break was inevitable for they were at a crossroad and each chose a different path. One needed to mature, enjoy life and find herself: this a normal phase in life and I think we all should get some time alone to figure out what are ambitions and what we want in life.  The other, was comfortable in his relationship therefore he was in the same pattern and failed to notice that change was coming and failed to keep the pace. 

              Effective communication is the bases, as I’ve said it many times before. When you talk it over and over you want hit the wall at light speed. You will gradually know that you are drifting apart. Now that it happened there is no point in reminiscing on the past; of course nostalgia to the good all days is inevitable but second chances are given in life and you should give yourself that second chance if you believe he or she is worth it. 

         In the end my friend I can only say be honest with yourself, and hopefully she will be honest with herself; true love deserves sacrifice and if deep down in your heart you know that he or she is the one then you will do the impossible to get them back. And I can say you have done it, no regrets.
The way I see it your story has not yet ended, many chapters will be written and only time will tell what the outcome will be. Finally I say, keep them in your life because nobody knows how life’s turning, the future is ours to make.


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